Sunday, September 14, 2008

Thanks to Jerilynn

I thought i would never say that I have a blog, but secretly I've always thought they were cool. Hahaha. I find out about blogspot awhile back, but when i went to a girls family reunion and found out that some of my cousins did it, I had to start. So, thanks to Jerilynn for bloggin'. :]

pictures to come.


Jerilynn said...

WHERE ARE SOME PICS!!!!!! I want to see lots of cool pictures that you take on this blog - so that I can live through you. I love photography. What a great talent to already be developing. I am so jealous. It was so fun spending time with all of you. I miss everyone already! I'll check back soon. Ü

Faith said...

Yes, Samantha we want to see some photography! It was a really great weekend, I hope it's not 2 years before we do it again.